Most of us came to Superhuman from an agency of 50+ people. Being at a larger agency meant more client meetings, more leftovers, and more people bringing in Friday donuts. As hard as we tried to make standing desks happen and to ignore the free leftover pizza, the pounds crept on. We now have the luxury of working in an office with less than 10 people where it’s a little bit easier to manage some of those environmental factors and to rally the people around us to embrace healthy lifestyles. At Superhuman, the small but passionate healthy faction has taken… View Post

Stacia Burtis, Senior Designer 1. What brought you to Superhuman? To make a long story short, I was freelancing and Superhuman provided me with the perfect environment where I could collaborate while still working on personal projects. Eventually I had enough work at Superhuman to wrap up my other projects. The whole thing happened very organically, which is why I think it works so well. I love how small it is. I’m best friends with everyone I work with, which is very important in such a collaborative space. 2. What’s a career goal you’d like to accomplish in 2017?  We’re wrapping… View Post